NYSHFA will be hosting a Town Hall call on Wednesday, February 7
th at 11:00 am to discuss the latest legal, budgetary and legislative issues impacting skilled nursing providers throughout New York ...
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NYSHFA will be hosting a Town Hall call on Wednesday, February 7
th at 11:00 am to discuss the latest legal, budgetary and legislative issues impacting skilled nursing providers throughout New York ...
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NYSHFA will be hosting a Legal & Regulatory update call with Neil Murray and Stephen Hanse on Wednesday, April 19
th at 2:00 pm ...
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Please note there will be a NYSHFA|NYSCAL Town Hall call
Thursday, February 9th at 2:00 pm. On the call we will discuss Governor Hochul’s FY 2023-24 Executive Budget proposal, and other regulatory and legal issues affecting providers ...
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Please note there will be a NYSHFA|NYSCAL Town Hall call
Thursday, February 9th at 2:00 pm. On the call we will discuss Governor Hochul’s FY 2023-24 Executive Budget proposal, and other regulatory and legal issues affecting providers ...
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On Friday, September 30
th, of the Public Health and Health Planning Council (“PHHPC”) released its respective agendas for the October 6
th PHHPC Codes Committee meeting and the full October 6
th PHHPC meeting. Absent from both agendas were the proposed regulations drafted by the DOH to implement the provisions of Public Health Law §§ 2828 and 2895-b, which ...
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We will be holding a Town Hall call tomorrow, April 5, 2020 at 10:00 am to discuss SNF staffing mandate law and requirements.
Attached is the Public Health Law for your review ...
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NYSHFA has received many inquiries from members expressing confusion about the effect of the recent nationwide injunction issued on November 30, 2021 by the United States District Court for the Western District of Louisiana preventing CMS from implementing President Biden's vaccination mandate applicable to health care providers participating in the Medicare and Medicaid programs. More specifically, the question raised is whether or not that court order relieves members from their obligation to comply with the
SEPARATE AND DISCRETE vaccination mandate and regulation issued by the State of New York requiring that all health care personnel who may be exposed to other direct care personnel or residents be vaccinated unless they qualify for an exemption that can be accommodated without an undue burden. The short answer is that New York providers
MUST STILL COMPLY with New York's mandate which, as clarified by the United States Second Circuit Court of Appeals, is currently in effect.
Stephen B. Hanse, Esq.
President & CEO
518-462-4800 x11
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The Department of Health has
not promulgated any regulations or guidance to date concerning the following disclosure requirements. As such, NYSHFA will be preparing a uniform format in the near future for providers to consider. In the meantime, the following is a summary of the required disclosures.
- October 21, 2021: Include on any public website for the facility the following information (see attached page 5 of Chapter 141 of the Laws of 2021):
- The rates charged by the facility for residency and services, detailed for each nongovernmental payer source (update this information annually by April 1 of each year);
- All individuals with an ownership interest in the operator of the facility (update this information within 30 days of any change or transaction affecting ownership);
- The name and business address of any landlord of the facility; and
- A summary of all contracts for goods and services for which the facility pays with any portion of Medicaid or Medicare funds, or any other agreement entered into by the facility, within 30 days of execution of the agreement or contract.
- October 21, 2021: Operators are required to notify DOH at least 90 days prior to entering into any new common or familial ownership of any entity providing services to the operator or the facility, and are required to provide at least 90 days' notice to DOH prior to executing a contractual agreement with an entity to provide consulting services, operational services or staffing agency services at the facility. Operators are also required to update their residency agreement to include any existing common or familial arrangements, and notify residents and the LTC Ombudsman of any new arrangements (see attached Chapter 102 of the Laws of 2021).
Stephen B. Hanse, Esq.
President & CEO
518-462-4800 x11
Lisa Volk, RN, B.P.S., LNHA
Director, Clinical & Quality Services
518-462-4800 x15
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