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ALR Quality Measures Bill Signed

On December 13, 2024 Governor Hochul signed the A.5790-B (Paulin)/S.8865 (Cleare): Quality Reporting Requirements for Assisted Living Residences bill. This bill requires reporting and posting by assisted living facilities relating to quality measures and information concerning rates, rent, and service fees; requires a scoring system of the assisted living quality reporting.

Bill Summary:

  • DOH must develop ALR quality measures, including those for enhanced and special needs ALRs, with stakeholder input. Providers must begin reporting these quality measures to DOH by January 15, 2025
  • A scoring system will be developed based on quality measures. Facilities in the top quartile will achieve advanced standing and qualify for an 18-month survey cycle instead of the standard 12-month cycle.
  • ALRs must publicly post the following information within 30 days of the bill becoming law, both on their websites and in a visible public space within their facilities, using DOH-developed forms. This information must also be submitted to DOH by October 1, 2024:
    • Starting monthly service rate
    • Range for starting rent
    • Approved admission or residency agreement
    • A consumer-friendly summary of all service fees

The bill primarily focuses on ALRs but also requires DOH to report on quality measures for ACFs, suggesting it will likely expand to include ACFs.

The DOH must provide a report to the Legislature regarding quality measures for other ACFs by February 15, 2025. The Department of Health is forming a workgroup to assist with developing quality measures, which NYSCAL will participate in starting in January.


Christina Audi, MHA, LNHA
Executive Director, NYSCAL
518-462-4800 x 13

Posted in NYSCAL Notes