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Weekly Q&A

Q: Could you give me the name and contact information for John Pinto’s replacement at MARO?

A: Brian Parente took over for Debra Rothman, who retired. John Pinto is still there and working for Brian now.

Brian Parente
Area Office Director
Division of Adult Care Facilities and Assisted Living Surveillance
Center for Residential Surveillance
Office of Aging & Long-Term Care

New York State Department of Health
90 Church Street, 15th Floor
New York, NY 10007
Phone: (631) 851-3601
Fax: (631) 851-4323


Q: For the HCBS survey coming up, we’re an Adult Home and our residents receive SSI/SSD to pay for their room and board and not Medicaid. Do I still fit the criteria for the HCBS survey?

A: All facilities will have to answer at least the first portion on the survey. Being an SSI recipient does not automatically mean they are Medicaid eligible, however, the majority of the SSI population does quality for Medicaid. If any of your residents receive Medicaid, your facility would now fall into the HCBS category.


Q: How do I create a new account for NCAL?

A: Members can now easily create their own individual profiles and obtain login credentials by visiting our website at  and clicking on the “CREATE NEW ACCOUNT” option located at the top of the screen. Please encourage all members to utilize this functionality for streamlined access to valuable resources.

Please note, it is important for individuals to add their company information to their profile during registration. The Member status of their company will determine their individual member status, ensuring accurate access to relevant materials and benefits.  If they do not add their company to their profile, they will be marked as a Non-Member and will not be able to access any members-only content.

Q: We’re an EALR – in the past we have transferred residents to skilled nursing if they require IV antibiotics. Are we permitted to allow a resident to bring in a nurse to give an IV infusion 1x/ day?

A: Per DOH, you can, provided it is listed in your residency agreement as a service you offer, with an addendum. It then needs approval from the Bureau of Quality and Surveillance, along with having a policy/procedure and proper training in place.


Christina Audi, MHA, LNHA
Executive Director, NYSCAL
518-462-4800 x 13