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Accepting Residents from Hospitals if COVID Positive

Frequently Asked Question: Are we required to accept COVID positive patients into the nursing home as an admission or a return resident?

Answer: According to the attached NYSDOH DAL (DAL 21-06) released on July 2, 2021:

“Hospitals and nursing homes are reminded that nursing homes must only accept residents for whom they are capable of providing appropriate and necessary care, as per CMS QSO 20-14-NH and existing State regulations at 10 NYCRR 415.26(i)(1)(ii).” 

If the nursing home can care for the resident, they can take a positive Covid resident. The resident needs to be placed in isolation and staff need to be in full PPE. This is a good time for all staff to review the core principles of Infection Control.


Jackie Pappalardi, RN, BSN
Executive Director
518-462-4800 x16

Lisa Volk, RN, B.P.S., LNHA
Director, Clinical & Quality Services
518-462-4800 x15