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Last Chance to Register! Personal Resilience During the Time of the Pandemic: Strategies for Your Employee

Last Chance to Register! Personal Resilience During the Time of the Pandemic: Strategies for Your Employee Webinar on Friday, March 26th

Personal Resilience During the Time of the Pandemic: Strategies for Your Employee
Presented by Dr. Robert Figlerski

Everyone involved in the life of nursing homes has been challenged by the last year. The toll of the current pandemic has been experienced by residents, families, staff, and leadership. No one has been left unaffected by these events. The ongoing duration and intensity of these stressors has increased the likelihood of burnout and depression for everyone involved in healthcare services. Despite these challenges and risks, healthcare workers continue to serve their residents. However, no one is invulnerable to the strains this last year has presented.

Successfully managing these challenges involves proactive strategies which promote resilience. Such strategies are built around the beliefs we hold about the purpose our efforts serve. These beliefs and the internal narrative we establish about our experience can foster post-traumatic growth. This webinar will focus on strategies to promote our well-being, face continuing demands, and, as incredible as it might sound, excel at what we do and grow as an individuals and professionals during the time of a crisis.

Click here for full program details and registration options.

Posted in Education