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Weekly Q&A

Q: In the COVID Health Advisory from 12-20-23 it mentions “designated visitation spaces.” We were under the impression that designated visitation areas was no longer a requirement. What does DOH expect?

A: Holding a designated visitation space for COVID is not required how it used to be. If a resident/family requests a space where they can visit and social distance, you have to be able to accommodate this request. You could do this in an activity room, common area, private dining space, etc. Ensure the space is cleaned before and after the visit.


 Q: How long do CHRC forms needs to be retained?

A: Documentation must be retained for six years after the Authorized person submits a Termination. This includes individuals that never began to work if an Application was submitted.


Christina Audi, MHA, LNHA
Executive Director, NYSCAL
518-462-4800 x 13