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Weekly Q&A

Q: Where on HCS can I find DALs? I never really understood where they post them when they come out.

A: When DOH posts a new DAL, it will be on the HCS homepage. Scroll down a bit to “Newsroom Highlights” and they’ll be under “New Items.” You can also click on the “Newsroom Highlights” link to access all.


: I don’t quite understand what Lobby Day is. I understand Executive Directors can participate, but do I need to have anything prepared, do I have to speak publicly?

A: Yes, you can participate! If you are not comfortable speaking, you can certainly still attend! The more representation we have from ALs, the better. We will all be together as a group, so you don’t have to worry about being alone or not knowing what to do. Please contact Kristin DeVries, Director of Government Relations at 518-462-4800 x.14 or and she will be more than happy to explain the process to you.

: How often should Safety Committee meetings be held?

A: Safety Committees should meet quarterly, at a minimum. The frequency should be designated in the facility’s policy.


Christina Audi, MHA, LNHA
Executive Director, NYSCAL
518-462-4800 x 13