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HCS Changes June 20th

The HCS Account Management Team (CAMU) will be implementing enhancements on June 20, 2024 to improve HCS security.

Below are the two changes that will require your attention when you log in for the first time on or after June 20th:

  1. All HCS user accounts will be required to confirm their email address on file. Please note it cannot be the same email address used for another HCS account.
  2. All HCS users will be required to have a Personal Identification Number (PIN) between 8 to 12 digits long to verify their identity with CAMU.

Click here to find a copy of the notice, which includes additional details on how the HCS team plans to make enhancements.

HCS Contact:


Christina Audi, MHA, LNHA
Executive Director, NYSCAL
518-462-4800 x 13