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Advocacy Efforts

NYSHFA|NYSCAL issued an opposition memo to A.5485 (Paulin)/S.5472 (Rivera) which would increase financial penalties against adult care facilities from $1,000 to $2,000 per day and $3,000 per day if a repeat violation is issued. This could create unintended consequences such as facility closures, especially those that serve the SSI population and whose residents would have no other long-term care option other than to enter a nursing home at a higher cost. NYSHFA|NYSCAL will provide pertinent updates on this bill and others affecting the assisted living community as the Legislative Session continues through June.

NYSCAL’s Legislative Visitation Day was held on March 14. While we had to pivot to virtual meetings due to inclement weather in Albany, NYSCAL members had the opportunity to meet with legislative leaders and the Governor’s office to discuss FY2023-24 budget proposals as set forth by the Executive and the Legislature. The 20% Medicaid reimbursement rate increase continues to be at the forefront of our discussions. We have also been advocating for changes in proposed language to mandated assisted living quality reporting as set forth in the Executive Budget and will provide updates as our conversations progress.  NYSHFA|NYSCAL’s opposition memo is attached.


Kristin DeVries
Director of Government Relations
528-462-4800, extension 14