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Weekly Q&A

Q: Are ACFs required to keep MOLSTs for residents?

A: No, it is not a requirement or regulation. However, you should at a minimum, have a copy of the resident’s Health Care Proxy.

Information on MOLSTs can be found here: MOLST | End-of-Life and Palliative Care Planning, MOLST for New York State.  Please note that MOLSTs require physician involvement.

Information on Health Care Proxys can be found here: Health Care Proxy | New York State Attorney General (

Health Care Proxys do not require a physician and can be completed on this form.


Q: Are there specific generator requirements for ALR/ELAR? For instance, hospitals have to have diesel generators instead of natural gas because they can procure the diesel fuel from multiple sources.

A: There are not requirements for an ALR/ELAR to have a generator, like hospitals and SNFs. If a facility does have one (which is recommended), they have to follow the manufacturer’s guidelines and keep up on maintenance and document it. There is also no requirement for it to be natural gas vs diesel fuel.



Christina Audi, MHA, LNHA
Executive Director, NYSCAL
518-462-4800 x 13