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Weekly Q&A

Q: Are there any DOH regulations against doing a virtual assessment for a new move-in who may not be in the area?

A: A facility can meet with the resident virtually. The doctor must do their initial assessment in-person, as the current Telehealth DAL 23-27 outlines. Per DOH, there is nothing in writing right now about admitting a resident from another state- it is at the facility’s discretion, and they must meet all rules and regulations.


Q: Do I need to submit a companion hired by a family through our CHRC?

A: No, companions are not subject to CHRC.


Q: What do we do if we have an edit to an incident report that was already submitted?

A: The Drupal System does not allow you to edit an incident report that has already been submitted.  You need to contact the Regional Office and tell them about the edit.   I recommend that you put the edit in writing and send it with a read and delivery receipt


Christina Audi, MHA, LNHA
Executive Director, NYSCAL
518-462-4800 x 13